Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I feel weird linking these posts to twitter

Mostly because I can't understand why anyone other than me would want to read them. It's like I'm 'promoting' these little things I don't really believe in.

What I write here is mostly dribble that comes out of my head and through my fingertips.  I try and always think about what I'm saying, in every situation I find myself in. But It's not like I'm devoting hours and hours of work into these 'essays'. I'm not really proud of what I'm writing.

I mean, I'm not ashamed of what I'm writing, I just... Don't see a lot of value in it. So why should I bother sharing these little thoughts with my Internet community? Why not just post for myself and leave it at that. Share only what I am proud of.

This is the debate I have with myself constantly. I go round and round about whether or not this thing is even useful... Giving myself ample amount of opportunity to back out and quit publishing my thoughts.

But you know what? Those are just excuses.

I know deep inside that I'm just being a perfectionist and making up reasons for me to hide behind. 

I've done it before. I've caved under the pressure I put on myself and quit putting my stuff(self) out there.

Because anytime I write, I'm making myself vulnerable. I know 90% of what comes out of this blog is shit. I KNOW that. But it's my shit. It's me. It's stupid and maybe pretentious, narcissistic, immature and dumb. But it's mine. And I keep putting it out there because it captures a moment in time. It allows me to share an honest part of myself with the world in real time. As the process happens - as I'm thinking, growing, and changing - hopefully you can see it happen with little filter. And maybe, that honesty and vulnerability will resonate with another.

At the end of it all, I don't have to win anyone's favor except my own.

So enough worrying about whether or not my words have value or worth. Because the fact that I post them at all means they count for something.

Being quiet is the only way to lose this fight with myself. 

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