Friday, September 7, 2012

Me stupid. Friends smart.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

My friends are a million billion times wiser, kinder, and generally more amazing than I’ll ever be. Therefore, I’m just going to let my best friend handle today’s post.

Mostly because it’s exactly what I needed to hear; but also a little bit because I’m lazy.
I want to be more aware of my behavior, and how it may be affecting others. But by doing that I need to not be so hard on myself and just try to be in the moment - I should give that same respect to everyone as well. We get caught up. We say dumb things. We unintentionally hurt the people we care about, because we're grasping at straws and doing what we must in order to maintain some semblance of self-preservation. Because sometimes it feels like you're the only one who can fix yourself when it feels like nothing is going right - so you bring up anything and everything that could possibly build you up again. Sometimes that includes talking yourself up to other people.
How do I even get someone this wonderful to talk to me, much less be one of my closets friends??...

I work the darkest of magic. That's how.

Be jelly.


  1. How about that fact you're probably one of the most real, sweet, true and sarcastic people I know? And all of that makes you an amazing person, and makes me want to be more like you in my own life... and yes, you are "stupid" if only because you think you don't deserve our friendship. When in reality, I don't deserve yours.
    I love you.

    1. Faith *hugs* You're too sweet. I hope me being my crazy ass self gives you the courage to be more of you. Whatever that is <3 But yeah, I guess we're all pretty lucky to have each other ;-)
