My Dearest Brook,
So as you know, today I'm supposed to write you a love letter. Since we have these little pow-wow's frequently I'm certain you already know how I feel for you. But Charlie is wise and knows that reaffirming love is never a bad idea.
So, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways!!!!
1). I love you for listening to me and for constantly checking in to make sure I’m ok.
2). I love you for being patient with me (most of the time) and for being understanding. I know I sometimes let you down (in more ways than one) but you're always willing to forgive me and let me start again.
3). I love you for remembering to nurture our creative spirit. You have gotten so much better at not ignoring that inner desire and we both really benefit from it. Never stop being the dreamer you are.
4). I love you for living life with your eyes open. You're always thinking, listening, seeing... You don't take life lightly -- yours or anyone else's. You make our time together rich and meaningful.
5). I love you for refusing to take yourself too seriously. For clinging to our inner child with everything you have. You're never too good to sit at the kiddy table. I'm so proud of you this.
6). I love you for always TRYING. Even when it's hard, even when it’s not fun. Thank you for not giving an outright NO. I'm really happy you grew out of that. Everything is at least a possibility now.
7). I love you for living your life with integrity and for making us someone worth knowing.
8). I love you for being a fighter. For never giving up and for remembering what we’re fighting for. If you weren’t so damn determined we would have never made it to this point.
9). I love you for trying so hard to treat me as a friend. I know you think I don’t hear those mean things you say about your shape or the way you look, but I do. Good thing I can also hear you apologize and remind yourself that beauty is something so much more than the external superficial stuff. Keep trying, your efforts are noble.
10). I love you for being brave enough to talk about how much you love yourself. Thank you for powering through the fear that people will think you're egotistical. It's ok to be your own best friend. I'm the person you’re stuck with for the rest of your life and your relationship with me is directly proportional to your relationship with the rest of world.
I don't know about you, but I think we have a pretty good thing going on here.
Shall we keep at it?
I think so ;)
Love, Love, and more Love,
Yours always
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