Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Comfort is overrated

Funny enough I started working on my own personal manifesto less than a week ago. So this topic is really relevant and still at the forefront of my mind.

Instead of writing down a list of things I know as true, I decided to really try and capture 'WHO I AM' and 'WHAT I'M ALL ABOUT' in one mantra.

This is the closest thing I've been able to pin down that sums up my life outlook.

'Lean into the discomfort'

You know that line right on the edge of where you feel comfortable and where you start to feel fearful, anxious, and stressed?

Well, right beyond that point is where your potential lies.

Right. There. Smack-Dab in the middle of the discomfort.

The things that test us, that push and make us uncomfortable, those are the things that grow us and make us stronger people.

I talk about vulnerability a lot. I talk about how opening up to people and having them open up to you is often the scariest things we encounter here on earth.

But the thing is, when you push beyond that fear and descend into the discomfort, there is something powerful and amazing waiting for you on the other side.

Connection, worthiness, love, belonging, joy, gratitude, happiness, creativity, courage, and compassion.

Those are the things that blossom from testing your comfort zone.

Now, I'm not saying that this mantra is an excuse to go all masochistic on yourself (come on let's get real). Doing something utterly terrifying, dangerous, or insanely risky will more than likely backfire right in your face.

What I'm suggesting is that fear, in the right quantities and under the right circumstances, is GOOD for you.

I work really hard to lean into my fear and make it my friend. I also work really hard to live with an open heart. And as I do that, I have to remember that those scary things, the things that are kind of eating away at the back of my mind, are exactly the things I should be confronting.

I've never regretted being, vulnerable, uncomfortable or getting hurt. It may have SUUUUUUCKED royally at the time, but afterward I always felt a great since of pride and accomplishment.

And the rewards for your courage?

Oh... They extend far into the corners of your heart. Lighting up your life in ways you never even knew existed.

Personal manifesto challenge complete!!!!

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